Wanna know what to do for your lessons for Easter? I won’t spend too long on them, but I always jump at the chance to discuss any holiday in my lessons. I love doing some reading and listening with my students to learn more about Easter and I want my students to learn and use vocabulary on the holiday. And of course we’ll do some speaking and writing about the topic. Let me tell you my plans for this year!
Brief break for a fun goodie: I actually have two freebies on the topic of Easter vocabulary. One is an Easter dominoes and the other are BOOM task cards on Easter vocabulary. Click on them to check them out for FREE!

Fun ideas for Easter lessons
My lessons of Easter topics have to include reading and listening. Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to Christian history, Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose three days later on Sunday. Easter is held on the first Sunday after the full moon in March, which is why Easter can land anywhere between the 22nd of March and the 25th of April. I love for my students to learn about Easter by reading this article on Kiddy House or do research about Easter symbols here or here and give presentations on what they found!
The day is a celebration of Christianity, but it’s also a celebration of new beginnings and the changing seasons. I love to talk about these topics with my students. I use these discussion cards to talk about spring in small groups, or to have students journal about it.
Fun Easter activities for middle school
The following are my favorite Easter activities for middle schoolers: vocabulary games! I love to play games that have the Easter vocabulary words in them, as well as the pictures to match them. I use this Easter dominoes game, which you can grab for free right now, or my digital memory game. In addition to those games, I like to use bingo as well. On myfreebingocards.com you can make your own bingo cards, and customize them to your own liking. I show my students a picture of an Easter thing, simulating a bingo ball, and they must check whether they have the word for that on their card and cross it out. It’s really fun!
And that’s what I’ll do with my students for Easter!
Check out these articles about other seasonal topics:
Top 5 activities to do with your students for World Book Day
Why these are my favorite activities for spring
My favorite activities for Saint Patrick’s Day

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