Are you looking for some worksheets for irregular plural nouns that are fun but also come in different formats? Don’t look any further! I’ve got a set of 3 types of worksheets that will help your students practice the irregular plural nouns in an engaging and active way, and that will also help them retain that knowledge better. Do you want to know how to set up ANY grammar lesson the right way so that you can get maximum results? Download my free Great Grammar Lesson Road Map here to find out how to do it best!
When I gave my students worksheets for singular and plural nouns I noticed they found nouns easy, and also the fact that you put an s after a word when you want to make it plural. But a recurring problem was how to form those irregular plural nouns! I swear, there are student that find it difficult in every single grade level. So I came up with some activities to make this easier to remember and apply in new situations.

The best worksheets on irregular plural nouns
The key is to practice this grammar point often. For that reason, I have created three different types of worksheets to give to your students. These options involve both digital and printable ways of practice. The advantage of digital worksheets is that students can manipulate pieces, which they can’t do in the printable version. And the printable version’s benefit is that writing helps your brain remember better.
Printable worksheet for irregular plural nouns
My printable worksheets contain 5 different sheets of matching exercises. One for really irregular plural nouns (child – children , man – men), and the other ones for plurals of nouns that end in -f / -fe, -ch / -ss / -x, -y, and -o. Every worksheet has 10 singular forms of nouns on the left and the plural counterparts on the right. Students must draw lines between the correct matches. This is a very visual way of learning, and students have to use both what they’ve learned and they’re moving while practicing it.
Digital worksheet on irregular plural nouns
I also have two different digital worksheets on irregular plural nouns. The first one is a digital version of the printable one, in which students must stretch a given arrow to match the singular with the plural form of the noun. This worksheet is set up in Google SlidesTM.
The other one is even more interesting, because it is self-checking! Students will still choose matches between singular and plural forms of the nouns. But now, when they do, they will see straight away whether they are correct! The answer box will color GREEN when they are, and RED when they’re not. In addition, for every correct answer, a line from question to answer will appear to signify its correctness. By the time every answer is found, the students will have a wonderful array of colors to look at. It’s so fun, I’m telling you, and there’s no grading for you!

Other fun activities for irregular plural nouns
Other activities you can then do to help students retain their knowledge of irregular plural nouns, are BOOM cards. BOOM cards are essentially task cards that are digital. They too are self-checking, and students cannot advance until they get the answer right. I’ve created one deck that gets students to drag and drop letters to make the correct plurals for given nouns. It’s great to help students spell correctly. And then I have another deck that asks students to choose the correct plural from multiple choice answers. It’s a challenge, but so fun when they succeed!
So now what?
So are you looking for an awesome irregular plural nouns exercise? Try this set of worksheets – because yes, you can get your hands on all three types together – and watch your students succeed! Or give BOOM cards a try, because they too are just amazing for helping students understand a grammar point better.
Check out my other articles on grammar practice:
How to make grammar practice in English fun
How to combine games with learning in a fun and easy way

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