Looking for the best way to show students how an application letter is written? This is my favorite way! First I teach them what the format is and what the conventions are of application letters. Then I show them some sample letters so that they can get a feel for the format. Last, I ask him questions about it. Simple right?
Of course I do want to get them to write the actual letters as well. But this is a great start for them to really see what they should aim for. I love making exercises about text types interactive and fun and a challenge as well. This is why I have designed my boom deck to ask them all the important questions.
Samples of a job application letter
So as I said, students need to look at a sample of an application letter or more of them thoroughly in order to understand how it works. And you as a teacher need to point out where to look. They need to look at where things go in the format. Where does the address go? Where does the day go? And what opening and closing is there supposed to be?
A job application letter sample is a must for showing students the format for application letter writing. An example of a job application letter works wonders to model what you want from students.
Template for application letter writing
Next, you need to show your students the format for job application letter writing. Explain all the parts clearly and thoroughly to students. Have them ask questions, and ask back from them what they’ve learned.
I’ve combined both of these parts of my lessons into one big one. In this exercise, I give my students four example letters to look at, which all have a different approach but they follow the same format I want students to use. I will print these sample letters on sheets of paper for them to look at, and they will complete the exercises about them in a BOOM cards deck.
The BOOM cards deck is self checking and students can’t finish it until they get all the answers right. It’s super fun and engaging, and students will walk away from it with so much knowledge. Now they’re ready to apply it!
Et voila!
And that’s how you show students how an application letter is written! Seriously, it works do well. Check out this exercise for yourself, HERE.
Now write an application letter!
Now, have students write an application letter. Get them to practice all the parts in different ways, with different practice tasks. I get my students to read various vacancy advertisements, and then they apply for a job of their choice. I have them do this a few times so that they really get the hang of it and practice how to apply for jobs i general. The same skills and roughly the same informations should be in it every time anyway. And then I provide them with feedback on every letter they write too. They get a little better at it every time they do it!
I love using sample letters for reading purposes, which is part of this exercise too. Other text types work awesomely for that too. Check out my articles on these topics: Magazines, Menus, Newspapers, and Recipes.
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