Do you want to know how these best quiz websites can help you increase engagement in your classroom in the best way possible? Let me tell you all about it! Because you really can make formative assessment super fun yet also educational, without telling students that they are in fact learning.
When I first started teaching, we didn’t have all the tools that we have now, so I taught my lessons without so much as a PowerPoint presentation, and IT. WAS. BORING! Not only the fact that I was working without any visuals, but we were also forced to work with the textbook we were using, and only that. These days, there are so many instruments we can use, and one of them is the online interactive quiz. I love using them, and let me tell you why.

Best websites you should know about
The best quiz maker: Kahoot!
I think Kahoot! is the best quiz maker out of the five I will mention here! The platform is easy to use and find ready-made quizzes on and also to make them yourself. It has super cute visuals, and music plays while students have to enter their answers! Each quiz question will appear on your board, then the possible answers are shown, and 4 colors appear on students’ devices for the 4 possible answers to choose from. Kahoot! shows them the ranking after each question and there’s a winners’ stage at the end. So fun!

Quiz maker on steroids: Blooket
One of the other best quiz maker websites is Blooket. It looks similar to Kahoot, but then on steroids! Students play the Blooket quiz on their device, and on your big screen you can display the leaderboard. Blooket has students answer the questions, and when they’ve got one correct, they can steal points from other players. On the leaderboard, you can see the current ranking of players, but it’s also displayed who steals points from whom. I had the best time using a Blooket quiz on linking words with my seniors!

When you want more options: BOOM Learning
One of the best websites for creating quiz tasks that are more intricate is BOOM learning. This one requires more work in that you have to create all the question cards from scratch. You must select the color of the background, then insert the question you want students to answer. And then you must choose what type of answer students must give: multiple choice, picture multiple choice, fill-in the blanks, or drag and drop. It’s very versatile that way, and I really love it for that reason.
I use this platform when I can’t find what I need on the other platforms and I want to make something that has all these different types of question possibilities. Because what are good quiz questions? Not only multiple choice questions, in my opinion. Now you do need an account to create BOOM cards, but this platform has a lot of cool tools you can use to track students progress.

More serious quiz maker: Google Forms
Google Forms, or its Microsoft counterpart, offer a very clean, clear way to quiz students. They offer a variety of question types (multiple choice, but also short answers and paragraph answers) and formats to offer them in, and you can include pictures or videos in your questions! Students’ answers are provided to you in Excel. When I need a quiz to look more serious, or when I want students to do a listening task, I use this platform!

For digital and printable quizzes: Quizlet
Quizlet is essentially a digital flashcard vault, but you can use these flashcard sets as quizzes in different ways. There are games, as well as quizzes with various exercises, like multiple choice, matching tasks, and fill-in the blanks. Personally I love the matching game, which students can also play on their device. And the best part is that you can print off some of the tasks for students to play on paper. When I need to whip up a quick quiz but I want students to go device-free, I use this option!

So in my opinion, these are the best quiz websites to use in your classroom, or to set quizzes as homework! They can make your life as a busy teacher so much easier, and students will love them. If you know these five, do you agree that they are the best trivia quiz websites, or do you have another favorite? Let me know in the comments!
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