How fun games for grammar can help your students learn grammar better

Wanna know what some fun games for grammar are? I’ve got all the juice! I love using games in my lessons, and not only because it makes my students so happy. It is my belief that having students interact with the grammar point through play really helps them connect with what they are learning. And […]
How to make the teaching of grammar fun and engaging for students

Wanna know how to make the teaching of grammar a lot more fun than it is right now for both you and your students? Then you’re in the right place! I have found out that I have to do a certain thing to make grammar rules stick a lot better in students memory. And that […]
How to engage students effectively with escape rooms for the classroom

Wanna know why escape rooms for the classroom are so fun? Because they engage your students into learning by turning it into a game! Sure, you can have them complete worksheets or exercises in a textbook, but this is way more fun. And the best thing is, you can make them analogue or use a […]
Why board games are my absolute favorite English games for class

Wanna know why board games are my absolute favorite English games for class? Because they engage my learners, they help my learners practice skills and knowledge, and they improve interaction and collaboration. In short 🙂 I love using English games in class situations at different points in the lesson. They really help me and my […]
Why doing activities for Bloom’s Taxonomy helps your students learn more

Wanna know why creating activities for Bloom’s Taxonomy in your lessons will help your students learn better? I will explain! It’s because getting students to practice their lower-order thinking skills as well as their higher-order thinking skills will make their learning of a topic deeper and more complex. It also helps teachers explain to students […]
How to teach a wonderfully complete grammar lesson in English

Do you struggle sometimes with coming up with a fun grammar lesson in English? Then you have come to the right place. Teaching grammar might not be one of the most appealing things to do in your lessons, I know. You might find it boring, and maybe your students do too? But I am here […]
Why these are the most wonderful grammar worksheets ESL students will love

Wanna know the secret to grammar worksheets ESL students love? Make them self-checking! Students can instantly see whether they’ve got the correct answer, so they’re getting feedback on their work. In addition, they get to see a cool picture appear the closer they get to ‘solving’ the whole thing! Pixel art picture reveal worksheets provide […]
How grammar games can help engage students and solidify their learning

Do you want to know why grammar games can really help your students learn about grammar, remember that knowledge better, while actually engaging them in that process? I will tell you the answer! Everybody loves games, that much we know. And playing games can really help students interact with what they learn in a meaningful […]
How to make Boom learning cards in a quick and easy way

Wanna know how to make Boom learning cards to engage your students into learning? You’ve come to the right place. Making Boom cards is super easy and really fun and they can enhance your lessons in various ways. I use them all the time in all my five grade levels and they are great for […]
How to do English grammar online practice in a fun way with pixel art worksheets

Are you looking for a fun way to do English grammar online practice? Online meaning self-checking as well? As in, no work for you, and students find out whether their answers are correct? Then mystery picture pixel art worksheets are your go to tool! These worksheets are formatted to show whether an answer that’s entered […]