Why these are super fun activities for your summer theme lesson plans

Are you looking for some fun ideas for summer theme lesson plans? Then let me tell you about my activities! I use these right before summer break and right after. They incorporate all the language skills and really give kids that summer-y vibe! Those last few lessons of the year need to be fun, not […]
How to teach a fun and engaging Father’s Day lesson

Wanna know what a Father’s Day lesson that’s fun and engaging for your language learners could look like? Then keep on reading! I will share some fun activities you can do with your students in this blog post. They include tasks to practice speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. I love celebrating the holidays with […]
How to practice speaking in English with this fun numbers guessing game
Are you looking for a fun way to practice speaking in English with your students? Try this super easy game! I call it “Meet me in numbers” and I play it with every new group I get to introduce myself. It’s a great way to share some things about myself while getting them to practice […]
Top 5 fun Mother’s Day classroom activities for your students

Need some fun ideas for Mother’s Day classroom activities? I will tell you mine! My mom is super important to me, as is my dad by the way, and I used to always love when we made them gifts at school! My students are mostly too old for crafts of any kind. However, they do […]
Why these are the best and most engaging activities for Easter lessons

Are you looking to teach some fun Easter lessons? Teach your kids about the holiday and have them practice their language skills? Then I’ve got just the ideas for you! I will tell you about some reading, listening, writing, speaking, and vocabulary exercises that you can try. And there’s even a freebie in there! If […]
Why doing activities for Bloom’s Taxonomy helps your students learn more

Wanna know why creating activities for Bloom’s Taxonomy in your lessons will help your students learn better? I will explain! It’s because getting students to practice their lower-order thinking skills as well as their higher-order thinking skills will make their learning of a topic deeper and more complex. It also helps teachers explain to students […]
How choice boards for students can really help engage them into learning

Wanna know why choice boards for students are so awesome? Because that’s what they are! I use choice boards whenever I want a lesson to just run by itself without me having to do anything. With a variety of activities that are fun but also challenging. And a set of tasks that give students options […]
My top 5 best activities for a super fun Valentine’s Day lesson plan

Need some fun ideas for your Valentine’s Day lesson plan? I’ve got you! I love using the holidays to teach language, and how fun is this super positive one about love: Valentine’s Day? There’s lots you can do with your students in terms of the various skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing, and with different […]
Why this is hands down the best question game there is to play

Wanna know what the best question game ever is? In my opinion it’s Black Stories! Black Stories is a card game in which one player has a card that contains a riddle in the form of one sentence. This player reads the riddle to the other players. The question then is: what happened? On the […]
How this Which Would You Rather game can help improve your students’ fluency

Wanna know how this Which Would You Rather game can help improve your students’ fluency in speaking? Then stay right here! I love thinking of games that will prompt my students into speaking to each other in the target language! And this game has the added bonus of really making them think of what to […]