What do teachers need for their classrooms to have some quick easy fun

what do teachers need for their classrooms to have some quick and easy fun? i've got the asnwer

What do teachers need for their classrooms that will help them whip up quick activities to improve student engagement? I will tell you my top items that I always have in my bag in case of emergencies. And one item you just need, and I wanted to mention it here because I can. They are […]

How to combine games with learning in a fun and easy way

combining games with learning like doing board games about key concepts and vocabulary is great

Do you know how combining games with learning can benefit your teaching? Because it can, honestly! Games are fun, everyone knows it, so why not include them in your lessons if they can make those lessons even better than they already are? I will tell your exactly why I think you should absolutely consider it. […]

How choice boards create an easy yet inspiring lesson

choice boards

If you don’t know the pleasure of using choice boards, you are missing out! Choice boards are a great way to give your students autonomy over their own learning and the power to pick and choose their own tasks. They also create an easy setup for different types of tasks in one comprehensive resource. Let […]

Top 5 Teacher Essentials Before Summer

teacher essentials

What teacher essentials do you need to survive until summer break? What is going to make your life easier until then? I know. This is a super stressful time. Lots needs to get done until we can go on summer break without teaching stuff on our mind. I’ve got my list ready for you, because […]