5 reasons why I love Boom learning cards for my students

Wanna know why many teachers love using Boom learning cards in their lessons? It’s not that hard to imagine after you hear me out, I promise. In the last year I’ve absolutely fallen in love with using BOOM cards for my ESL lessons! I’d seen many teachers online using them and making them, and they […]
How to use Boom cards to improve language skills of students

Have you heard of Boom learning but you don’t know how to use Boom cards to improve language skills of students? You are in the right place, my friend! Some years ago I learned about Boom cards, and my mind was blown. I loved that they were self-checking, because I was doing way too much […]
Top 5 awesome formative testing examples for fun and easy assessment

Are you looking for some formative testing examples to check your students’ learning in a fun way? Look no further! We need to make sure our students are learning what we want them to learn before they take a test on the material and it’s too late to rectify any misunderstanding. You need to assess […]
3 fun ideas for a brilliant lesson plan for Father’s Day

Are you looking for fun things to fill your lesson plan for Father’s Day with your students? I love celebrating these holidays with my students, because these are topics all of them can relate to and will have something to say about. And if there’s anything I love is getting my students to talk or […]