Are you looking for a fun way to do English grammar online practice? Online meaning self-checking as well? As in, no work for you, and students find out whether their answers are correct? Then mystery picture pixel art worksheets are your go to tool! These worksheets are formatted to show whether an answer that’s entered is correct or not by showing new parts of the picture whenever one is correct. They are super fun and easy to use! Check out one of them here, for free!
During covid times, they were an easy way for students to still get feedback on their learning at home. The self-checking quality of this type of resource makes it so that students cannot finish if they don’t have all the right answers, so they are forced to reconsider the wrong ones. It worked great when we were distance learning, but it also works super well in the classroom. They’re fun practice and there’s no grading for teachers!
Wanna know how I plan a full grammar lesson using this review tool? Grab my free Great Grammar Lesson Road Map to help you figure it out!

Online practice of English grammar the easy way
What is so great about mystery picture pixel art worksheets is that it makes online practice of English grammar super fun for students and easy for the teacher. Students enjoy it because they want to find out what’s in the picture. It’s a challenge to get the answers right so they can see it. The worksheet is interactive which is very engaging. To practice English grammar online exercises are also extremely helpful, because they show students exactly what they’re doing well and not so well yet. It’s instant feedback.
And they’re easy for the teacher, because there is no grading involved, or keeping an eye on whether students are doing what they are supposed to. The worksheet itself does that for you. You can easily assign them as homework too, and students won’t need you to figure out how they did. For this reason, these types of worksheets can work as English grammar practice tests as well. They can be used as English grammar online quizzes to prepare students for the real test they’re about to take. In my classroom that would be a piece of writing using the grammar point in question. I love giving them lots of review opportunities before they get to that.

How to learn grammar online and when
So if you wanted to know how to practice grammar online, then these mystery picture pixel art worksheets are your answer. But when do you give them to students? In my opinion, there are 6 situations that are great for this type of practice.
- As a practice worksheet after explaining the grammar point
- For review, some time after the grammar point was explained, maybe right before a test
- As an introduction to another topic that builds on this grammar point
- As a brain break from boring worksheets or textbook exercises.
- For extra challenge for more advanced students
- As extra practice for students who need it
English grammar online exercises and downloadable worksheets
So I create these types of worksheets for my students, and I have a bunch of them up in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. So far, I’ve done worksheets on prepositions, parts of speech, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, modal verbs, the first conditional and indirect speech. If you want to check them out and give them a go, because now you’re all enthusiastic about using self-checking worksheets, that’s what they’re there for! It’s easy to download them and share them with students. Wanna try one out for free? Grab it here!
It was my friend Hello Algebra who actually taught me how to do it, so if you want to learn about it as well, check out her website.
Check out these related articles:
How to introduce grammar topics in a fun and interesting way
How to empower and enrich your grammar teaching with Bloom’s Taxonomy