Why these 9 fun flashcards games are awesome for the classroom

Did you know that flashcards games are a thing? I did not, but now I’m obsessed! The other day I told my team about a fun activity I did with flashcards that I bought – which I will spend a post as well some other time – and then other people chimed in with all […]
How a vocab choice board can engage students into learning in a fun and easy way

Want to know how a vocab choice board can help you in the classroom? I’ll tell you right away! Because it helps engage students, because it’s a print and go activity, and because you can differentiate teaching. In addition, research shows that students need to feel autonomy, competence and relatedness when they learn, and choice […]
Why these fun strategies for learning vocabulary will really help your students

Do you want to know the strategies for learning vocabulary that will actually yield results for your students? Then definitely keep reading! Through trial and error, I figured out what really works for retaining the meaning of the new words that people learn in a new language. And I can tell you it’s not just […]
How to engage students effectively with escape rooms for the classroom

Wanna know why escape rooms for the classroom are so fun? Because they engage your students into learning by turning it into a game! Sure, you can have them complete worksheets or exercises in a textbook, but this is way more fun. And the best thing is, you can make them analogue or use a […]
How to practice spring vocabulary words in a fun and engaging way

Wanna know how to get your students to practice spring vocabulary words in a fun and engaging way? Then you’re in the right place! I’ve got all the right spring vocabulary words exercises that you need to make your students happy! And what makes them more happy than playing games? That’s why I have created […]
How to enhance your lessons with vocabulary games ESL students will love

Wanna know what vocabulary games ESL students love to play? I’ve got a whole list for you to choose from! And how to use them in your lessons, you ask? I‘ve got the answer to that too! One of my favorite things to do during any lesson is to play games using the things that […]
My top 5 best ideas to do in your Christmas lessons

Wanna get some ideas for your Christmas lessons this year? I know I am gearing up for it already, as I love this time of year so much! It’s actually all the celebrations of the fall season that I love to use in my lessons. It’s really quite a busy time if you want to […]
How to teach vocabulary to your students in a super fun and effective way

Wanna know how to teach vocabulary to your students in a super fun and effective way? Then you’re in the right spot! When I was in school, we always just had to cram a bunch of lists into our heads and that was it. You were expected to remember the translations of words this way […]
5 tips for a wonderfully fun and easy Halloween lesson plan

Are you looking for a super fun and easy Halloween lesson plan? I’ve got exactly what you need! I have made a complete lesson plan for my students, regardless of what grade level they are in, and I would like to share it with you. You can pick and choose from it what you would […]
Top 7 funnest games with whiteboards to play in the classroom

Are you looking for some fun and easy games with whiteboards to play with your students? I’ve got just the stuff for you! The games I will be talking about are super quick to whip up, as all you need is a whiteboard and a marker to write on it. Students can also play them […]